As a rabbi you work hard to respond to the needs of others, achieve organizational goals, and demonstrate competency in a wide variety of disciplines. But there’s a paradox. It turns out that extraordinary levels of effort, achievement, and performance do not guarantee meaning. In fact, in the absence of one ingredient, rabbis who do all of these things regularly burn out. That one ingredient is
purpose—a clear articulation of the “why” behind your rabbinate. Rabbis who are clear about, and committed to, purpose experience greater satisfaction, more resilience, and better health. Job descriptions may look very similar across the rabbinate but purpose is personal and highly individualized.
In this workshop you will:
- Articulate your rabbinic “superpowers” and the contribution you seek to make through your rabbinate
- Write an initial statement of your rabbinic purpose that will become the “true north” for choices you make
- Identify three shifts that will enable you to more fully embody your rabbinic purpose